Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 6...Happy Birth Day Camryn Reese!!!

Well, we barely made it to day 6 before Camryn was ready to make her big appearance. When I woke up Friday morning I joked with Taylor saying "Call me crazy, but I feel like w're having a baby today"! Little did I know, just 2 hours later I would start having contractions every 10-12 minutes, and then at 10:15am my water broke. Funny thing about your water breaking, you're not always sure it was your water that broke. When you're carrying an extra 30 pounds on your bladder, and also having contractions, it's not so easy to rule out that you have just simply peed your pants. An hour later the same trickling of water was running down my leg, and I figured there was just "no way I peed my pants twice in one hour"....Taylor wasn't convinced, and honestly, I wasn't so sure of myself either! :)
So we headed to see the doctor to check if I was actually ruptured, and I was! I had tested positive for Step B (1 in 4 women have it, I honestly don't know why) but once your water ruptures they have to start IV antibiotics, so they sent us straight to the hospital. From the time my water broke I had 12 hours to "safely" deliver Camryn without any serious risks of infection, and we checked into the hospital around 1pm, so Dr. Mumphrey decided to start me on Pitocin to try to ensure that a C-Section would't be necessary. The pitocin worked!!! My contractions at that time were about 8 minutes apart, and I was dilated to a 2, 90% effaced. The pitocin was a complete game changer. In an hours time I changed to 100% effaced, and dilated to a 3. My contractions were becoming hard to cope with, so I requested my epidural knowing that it would take an hour or longer to get relief. THANK GOD I DID! In that 1 hour wait I rapidly progressed and dilated to a 10, fully effaced, and almost crowning. The contractions were unbearable. My epidural didn't begin to take affect like the doctors were hoping, so the anesthesiologist came back to make some adjustments, and within 15 minutes I was feeling like I could comfortably continue with labor. Dr. Mumphrey allowed me a few minutes to regain my energy, and let the contractions continue pushing Camryn into "pushing position", and then it all happened. Less than 20 minutes of pushing, and ta-da, we had a baby!!
Here's the first picture of her in the nursery warming up under the lights with Daddy:
There will be a million more photos of this sweet little girl coming very soon!

Taylor & I are doing really well despite the lack of sleep. I'm healing well, and am anxious to be back on my feet to chase after Camryn!

We would love to have visitors!!! Visiting hours are from 8am-12pm & 3pm-6pm (Mommy & me time is from 12pm-3pm and they ask that no visitors come during this time so that any lactation specialists, doctors, etc. can meet with us during these hours). We are in the Labor recovery wing in room 216. Our room phone # is 512-816-7216, or you can reach Taylor and I on our cell phones (T- 512-590-1875, S- 512-595-1151). Please call or text us to let us know when you plan to visit so we can be available. We are expecting to be in the hospital until 6:30 Sunday. We are feeding every 2 hours, so we will try to coordinate visiting times around our feedings. :)

Thank you everyone for all of the incredible overflowing of love & support! We are so excited to share our daughter with all of you! She is absolutely amazing, and we are head-over-heals in love!!! <3


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