Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy 8 week birthday!

Dear Camryn,

You love your swing, and you LOVE those birds! This is you on your 8 week birthday talking to your birdies.

You have been sleeping so well lately. The last 2 nights you slept from 9pm-10:15, 10:30-5, 5:15-9:30, Daddy and I are thrilled! You enjoy your sleep very much, we have that in common. :)

You have been trying to stand up and jump whenever we hold you, so Nana and I found you a jumper at Target, but you have to wait a little longer to use it when your neck muscles are a little more developed. You are able to sit in your bumbo chair now for quite some time, and we can see that you are becoming stronger every day!

Your beautiful eyes have started turning more green/blue, so maybe you'll have my eye color. <3
Nana & Papa

Nana, Mommy, Daddy, & Great-Mimi

Auntie Courtney (really your Cousin)

You actually enjoyed your pacifier!! You usually HATE them and wont take one.

Playing on your mat


Face Plant

Tummy Time is not your favorite

Nap time

Aly is your shadow, she follows you everywhere!

You got the hiccups, so we covered you with a burp cloth just in case you spit-up

Grinning at Nana

Fighting Sleep

Still fighting sleep...

Naked Baby!!

Chunky girl in her Bumbo Chair :)

Passed out in your swing. You were dreaming and kept throwing up your arms!

You are changing every day, and we love to watch you learn new things and discover the world around you. You are so observant and fascinated by everything.

I love you very much,


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