Friday, August 5, 2011

2 Month Checkup

Dear Camryn,

You saw your pediatrician today for your 2 month checkup and she was quite impressed by you! She was very happy with your growth, stats below:

Height at birth: 20 inches
2 weeks: 20 1/2 inches
9 weeks: 23 1/2 inches (75th percentile, meaning you are taller than 75% of children your age.)

Weight at birth: 7 lbs. 6 oz.
2 week checkup: 8 lbs. 8 oz.
9 weeks: 11 lbs. 7.5 oz. (60th percentile)

Head circumference at 9 weeks: 38

As soon as Dr. Day picked you up and said "Hi Camryn!" you started smiling and laughed and she was blown away! She said babies don't begin laughing until around 4 months of age, and you've been laughing for the last 2-3 weeks. She asked if we were sleeping well and when we told her that you're sleeping through the night, she couldn't believe it. I told her how you slept from 7-11pm, 11-6:30am, and then napped all morning until our 8:40am appointment and she said "you need to clone that baby, she's amazing!" I don't know about cloning you, but we agreed that you are in fact amazing, we got so lucky with you! Mommy thought that karma for all things I did to my mom as child would come back around to me through you....I guess I have the rest of your life to wait for you to help Grandma give me my payback! For now, you can continue being our little angel baby! :)

You had to get your first round of vaccines today and I'm not sure who it was more traumatic for, you or me. We both sobbed, so we'll call it a tie. You had 2 shots in your left leg, and a tetanus shot in your right. I imagine they give the tetanus in a separate leg since they tend to be very sore for days after. I remember my last tetanus shot being sore like a Charlie-horse for days after. One of your shots on your right leg left a rectangular red mark with multiple needle marks and it bled, poor baby! You were laying on the table being cute, and then the first shot (big rectangle one) went in and your face went immediately into an open mouthed cry face but you were so upset that no noise came out for about 3 seconds, and then you started the saddest cry I have EVER heard!! You rarely cry, but even when you do it's more of a yelling fussy cry, but this was a sad and "I'm in pain" cry. I fell apart. The nurse quickly gave the 2nd shot, which you become stunned over, and then the had tears rolling down the side of your face and your little eye lashes were soaked, as were mine. Daddy scooped you up immediately and started loving on you, and I stole you as soon as I put myself back together. From the look on Daddy's face, I thought he might cry with us....or hurt the nurse who kept stabbing his baby girl! You were back to yourself within about 3 minutes. Here are pictures of your boo-boo's:

"no more pictures mom!!"

YouTube Video

Heres a video of you after the doctors appointment, obviously you're just fine!

Next appointment is in 2 months, no shots that time, yay!!


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