Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy 4 Month Birthday Camryn!

Dear Camryn,

Happy Birthday! Stop growing so fast little girl. 4 months have come and gone in a blink. Daddy & I love sharing our lives with you, and look forward to waking up every morning and rolling over to see you staring right back wearing the biggest goofy grin! You have changed so much in the last month; you make a slobbery hissing noise, roll over by yourself, splash like a crazy girl in your baths, hold your head up without any trouble at all, try to eat your entire fist, bat at and hold onto your toys, and you're learning what "kiss" means! You're really good at entertaining yourself, but you are also becoming very aware of when you're alone, and you'd much rather be playing with someone instead of something. Lucky for you, I'd much rather play with you than do anything else! :)
Daddy & I let you lick a piece of watermelon when we were on vacation in California, but tonight we fed you your first "solid". Bananas!!! You were loving your bib, and even seemed curious about the bowl and spoon, but the bananas....well, a pictures worth a thousand words, right?!

Ok, bibs pretty fun....

A little hesitant, but still being a trooper.

Open wide!!! This is your very first bite of real food!!!

"ahhh....seriously mom?"

"What the heck is that??? Ewwww!!"

"No thank you, I'm not interested in that....Yuck!!"

"Seriously, I would rather eat my bib!"

Let's try again.

Apparently Mommy wasn't doing it right, so Camryn is helping.

"Tastes just as bad, even when I feed myself. Gross....bananas are gross!"

Solids are MESSY!!!

We aren't actually starting you on solids until your 6 month birthday, but we may let you have the occasional taste like we did tonight. We had fun!

Love you bug,


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