Sunday, February 13, 2011

3D/4D ultrasound

We went for our 3D/4D ultrasound yesterday and got to see our little girl! It's always a joy for us to see our baby, and always reassuring that she's healthy & growing just as she should be.
Of course she didn't want to cooperate for this photo shoot, she just wouldn't be our daughter if she did, and instead wanted to sleep the whole time and cover her face with her arms and hands!
We were finally able to get a few pictures of her (i'll try to describe what they are of, because they look like big blobs mostly!)
This is her body curled into the fetal position. You can clearly see her rib cage and arm covering her face.

This is a limited view of her face.
Big foot (like her grandpa!)
Her hand grabbing for her foot (she will grab at anything these days to practice muscle movements)
Yes, I'm still a GIRL! :)
Another view of her face. It looks like she has mommy's chin and nose, but those are definitely daddy's pouty lips!
 We will have the fun of seeing her again in a month for another 3D/4D ultrasound (at 28 weeks), and hopefully get better face pictures. We're hoping for chubby little cheeks to kiss on, so she still needs to pack on that fat! :)