Friday, March 11, 2011

27 week update!

So much to update y'all on, and SO MANY wonderful gifts for this little miracle...she is obviously so very loved!!
So what's new with me & Camryn....We are 27 weeks today, and feeling great! I've been experiencing more back pain lately (fortunately she's not on my sciatic nerve, so I'm grateful for minor back pain) with her increasing weight, and my upper abdomen gets a burning/aching feeling often, but we're still sleeping and eating well and feeling really healthy overall! We are in our FINAL week of the 2nd trimester, so that's really exciting!
As Taylor & I are dreaming about becoming parents, and what our little Camryn Reese will look like and what type of personality she has, she might also be dreaming about us! "Brain Wave activity measured in a developing fetus at 27 weeks shows different sleep cycles, including the rapid eye movement phase, the stage when dreaming occurs." I think the majority of her dreaming is happening while I'm awake, because when I'm trying to sleep, she's WIDE AWAKE! :)
Camryn now weighs approximately 2.5 pounds and is measured from head to toes at almost 16 inches. She is now blinking in preparation for birth, and added coughing, more improved breathing, and more intense sucking to her growing bag of tricks!  Her lungs have developed to a point of maturity that if born today, although I want to keep baking her until she's a little more well done, she would be a healthy little baby!

Everyone ready for all the pictures of Camryn's gifts? She has a LOT of secret admirers!!!

Gifts from Grandma & Auntie Reese:
A real Osh Kosh denim dress, so sweet!

Gifts from Dad & Tonia from Hawaii:
These are so funny! The butt of the pink one is the best!
Gifts from Aunt Kris: cute!!! 3-6 months for summer
How adorable is this? White with pink polky dots on the other side!
6-12 months for winter.

My Uncle John also sent Camryn a $50 bond, a gift that I had also received as a baby from him, so that was very thoughtful and nostalgic for me. 

Thank you Mom, Sister, Dad, Tonia, Uncle John, and Aunt Kris for all of these fantastic gifts!! We are so grateful for all of you, and Camryn is so cared for thanks to all of you!

Of course we couldn't leave all the spoiling to everyone else, Taylor & I also bought a few new things for our little girl! 
Storage boxes for her armoire
This is for when Mommy & Camryn work out :)
Her dresser & hutch arrived!
Closet storage bins
Hung her 4 frames above her bed, more pictures of these to come
Piggy Bath Wrap
We also received a box full of donated cutie girl clothes from Diana (Stacia's AWESOME neighbor), so pictures of those are coming.
Camryn & I have a 1:30pm doctors appointment today for our hour long glucose test, so wish us luck! From what I'm hearing, it's pretty terrible...yay! We'll post new belly pictures this evening!!! Love y'all <3


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