Monday, October 24, 2011

"HalloWEEK" begins!

Dear Camryn,

Halloween is a week away, and you are playing dress-up already. Mommy can't help herself, there's just something addictive about dressing you up like a little doll, especially when you look so darn adorable in every outfit! I bought you a stuffed pumpkin and your doggies think it's for them, and they circle you like sharks when you play with it. You think it's pretty entertaining.
You've started standing while holding onto my fingers, and love pulling yourself up. You sit, pull yourself up to stand, and then sit after a minute or two, and then back up you go. Up, down, up, down....You do it for hours! You're also trying to sit on your own, but mostly you just topple over after a few seconds.
We took a walk tonight with Riley & (his Mommy) Jessica. It's so fun having them as neighbors and you two babies being only 6 weeks apart in age. We stood you both next to each other, and you're about 4+ inches taller. You're long!! We have a pedi appointment tomorrow, so we'll see just how long you are! I can't wait to see how much you weigh too, and how you measure up to other 4 1/2 month olds.


You made it!! Now to treat yourself, you eat your fist. What's new?!

Thank you Auntie Molly for the adorable "My auntie gives the best candy" outfit! :)

You & Riley were trying to hold hands! <3

Stats from the pediatrician visit coming soon!

Love you Little Miss Piggy,


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