Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Crawling Beach Baby

Dear Camryn,

We took you to South Padre Island a few weeks ago for some family fun, and you had so much fun! You stood on the sand and felt your very first ocean wave crash against your little piggies. You were a skeptical at first, and the cold water wasn't as nice as bath water, but you had a great time after the initial shock wore off. You also floated around in the pool with me and Daddy, played in the sand with your buckets and shovel, ate every meal on the patio overlooking the ocean, and LEARNED TO CRAWL!!! :-)

You had started trying to move around for the last few months, and you would get on your knees and rock a lot, but you finally took off...we haven't been able to stop you since!! Now you are a baby on a mission. Crawling everywhere, climbing everything, pulling up and chewing on whatever fits in your mouth at face level, and being quite the unstoppable kid. You prefer to be on your knees over standing, and you can "walk" on your knees while holding onto furniture. You can also sit on your knees without any support. You love the sing "E I E I O" when I sing "old macdonald had a farm", and I think we make a pretty cute duet. ;-) You've started "dancing" too, and you play your ABC's on the CD player Nana bought you and smile SO BIG and start rocking and singing.

You haven't cut anymore teeth yet, but you can chew through just about anything with the two teeth you have. It's impressive. You eat pretty much whatever I'm eating these days; fruits, soft vegetables (green beans are your favorite), pasta, most meats, cereals, and then lots and lots of Mama milk.

Your first birthday is coming soon, and I just can't believe that Daddy and I have been so blessed beyond words to have you in our lives for an entire year already!! We are throwing you an "It's SWEET to be ONE!" retro candy shop party. Since you're only going to be one, the party is admittedly going to be for Daddy and I (for having survived year one and keeping you alive and well) as much as it is for you, so we'll be having candy themed drinks for the adults, as well as a full candy bar for both the kids and adults. I can't wait to watch you dig into your big girl cake!! I'm sure there will be tears....aren't I always sobbing for all your firsts?!
Love you, my little green eyed girl!


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