Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 9 & Counting....

Yet another day closer!! I went in to Dr. Breedlove this morning for my weekly checkup (only 1 more, next Monday) and she was impressed with my progress. WoooHooo!

So here are the baby/mommy stats:
My weight: 151 A gain of .6 lbs. since my appointment last Tuesday
Blood Pressure: 110/62
Camryn's heart rate: 140
I'm dilated to a 1 1/2 "with room". She said she could have pushed me to a 2 but didn't want to cause any irritation.
Last week I was 30-40% effaced, today I was 80%.
Baby is sitting VERY low, and I'm having lots of B.H. contractions and lower abdomen cramping, so things are moving along just as planned.

Because Camryn is taking up my entire stomach now, I've started becoming nauseous and needing to eat much smaller meals, but that hasn't stopped my cravings. Today I "had to have" rice krispie treats, so I hauled my butt to the store and bought the ingredients and made some, and they are SO delicious!!! My taste buds are off the last few days also, like tonight I made a grilled cheese (which I usually LOVE) but I donated over half to Taylor because it just tasted gross....he thought it tasted yummy. :)

Here's today's belly pic!
A little blurry, Tay's not the best picture taker. 38.5 weeks


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