Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 7 & still no Camryn

Thursday has come, and almost gone, and still no Camryn. Dr. Breedlove is on call tonight, so if Camryn was going to come before Sunday (when Auntie Teresa arrives) then today was the day we were hoping for.

Taylor was so sweet and had a cleaning company come this morning to do all of the heavy cleaning like the bathtub, toilets, windows, etc. What a WONDERFUL gift!! He even made sure to hire a "green" cleaning company and made sure none of the cleaners are harmful to Camryn. He really does love us!

Taylor has been very busy with work this week (12+ hour days), lots of big projects, and he's trying to tie up any loose ends before we go into labor. He took about a hundred calls today, I'm amazed that his ears aren't bleeding! The Austin Statesman did an interview with him today and wrote a great article about how quickly HostGator is growing and hiring in Austin (they are also booming in Houston, and opening offices around the world, YAY)! Here's the link to the article: HostGator Article
HostGator also has a giant banner displayed in Time Square...yes, New York's Time Square!!! This is only the beginning of what's in store for this company.

We went for our evening walk through the neighborhood as usual. We have made a few "friends" on our daily walks who always say "hi!" and funny things like "You're STILL pregnant?!" or "walk, walk, walk!"...yesterday we were told that I should be doing jumping jacks, not just walking, if I wanted to evict this baby! The little kids in our neighborhood are the cutest!! One little girl today said to her dad "That lady is having a BABY!" as we passed, and another little girl (who is deaf) was signing to her mom about my belly, and her mom was cradling her arms and saying "baby! baby!" that not the most precious thing? I just love their excitement and curiosity!!

Today's been a great day for the 3 of us! More excitement tomorrow...maybe a trip to the hospital?! :)


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