Sunday, February 19, 2012

8 Months & refusing to stop growing!!

Dear Camryn,

How have I allowed nearly 2 months to pass since I last wrote to you? I guess looking at your beautiful face and playing with you trumps this blog. You have grown into such a big girl. You've been sitting all by yourself for the last 2 months, and you roll around like a champ. In fact, we've stopped swaddling you because you would roll from your back to your belly and scare us. You can crawl backwards, but not forwards, and it really makes you mad! You've gotten on your knees and rocked back and forth, but you're not sure what to do next. You LOVE to "jump jump", especially in the mornings when you hang out with Daddy....and Mommy does other important things during that sleep in. :-)
You've been teething on and off, and a tooth finally broke through your gums but it hasn't grown an inch since. You're really drooling a lot this week, so maybe you'll finally get a tooth in.
I'm still nursing you full time, and you get at least one solid a day. Your favorite food is sweet potato puff cereal. You feed yourself everything that can be picked up, and I'm teaching you to hold a spoon and feed yourself everything else. Meal time is VERY messy and usually ends with a bath.
You are a talker lately and we joke that you have an imaginary friend named Deedee because that's your favorite thing to say. You also like "Dada" "doodoo" and "ba" "mama" yet, but I know you have zero clue what you're saying, so I'm gonna let you off the hook.
You're learning other ways to communicate with me via sign language and you've mastered the sign for food. You can also wave and "gimme five". We're still trying to teach you the signs for mom and dad.
You are sleeping in your nursery full-time now! You started waking 1-2 times at night to eat, and then you go right back to sleep. Bed time is still 7p-7a.
You are growing WAY TOO FAST and it makes me so sad!! I already started planning your 1st birthday baby isn't a baby anymore. *tear* You wear size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothes now.
I'll post height and weight info after your pediatrician appointment this week.
I love you monkey!!


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