Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Girls just wanna have fun!

Dear Camryn,

You are such a goofball lately! You're really developing a silly, fun spirited personality. You love hide & seek, and you giggle whenever someone pops out from behind something and makes a funny face at you. You have always been quite the noise maker, and your opera singing has yet to bore you (even though it nearly makes me and Daddy's ears bleed). Auntie and Uncle encourage your high-pitch noise making and sing just about anything to you, and boy do you think that's fun!! You light up when we read to you (and let you chew on your books), and especially enjoy pop-up books and sensory books like the baby Einstein collection. Toys that squeak, crinkle, or can be easily banged against each other are your favorites.
Here's a few pictures of you playing over the last few days:


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